Riga again - BALTSPACE at 2nd Baltic MSP Forum
Same place, different time as the first Dialogue Forum: BALTSPACE continues its series of peer review events.
This time the focus will be on preliminary findings from the BATLSPACE case studies. MSP planners, sector experts, government representatives as well as fellow researchers are invited to attend the workshop and learn about:
- MSP cooperation at a pan-Baltic sea-basin level (Anne Luttmann, IOW)
- Lithuanian-Latvian cross-border MSP interactions (Nerijus Blaszauskas, CORPI)
- Federalism and MSP in Germany (Kira Gee, HZG)
- Transboundary and cross-sector MSP interactions in the Sound, Sweden and Denmark (Andrea Morf, SIME)
- Fisheries stakeholders and conflicts linked to MSP in Poland (Jacek Zaucha, MIG)
We are looking forward to your active contributions in our interactive workshop!
Read more about the 2nd Baltic MSP Forum here.